Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Team Hyndman=Cheese Heads

Hi all!

How about those Green Bay Packers? Yes! We are thrilled they won the Super Bowl! It was a great game actually, and Greg and Nick were really thrilled but Bella and I actually watched and enjoyed it too. (not just the commercials and half time, although they were great too!) We made lots of good food and the kids wanted pizza too so it was a nice night for the four of us to spend together. We are huge Glee fans too and we loved the Glee episode afterwards! ( I had to tape it for Bella because she fell asleep-she had a sleepover at her cousin Maddie's house the night before:) ) Team Hyndman=Cheese Heads!

Greg has been a Packers Fan since he was little through ups and downs, wins and losses. That is the mark of a TRUE fan, sticking with a team through all of it, not just the wins! So, by default of course, Nick became and is a huge Packers Fan as well. I am not really a football fan at all. If my kids played, I'd be at every game and cheering them on. So, I had my Nook Color (the best Christmas gift ever!) and was ready to eat, read, and watch the commercials, but was pleasantly surprised at what a good game it actually was. And, I realize what I really don't like about football is how some people ACT when they watch it. I am thankful that although Greg is a fan, he has always put our family above sports and only watches on occasion with Nick. He's always put us first. Bella, well, I'm not sure yet if she's a fan. I think she likes it because her Dad and brother love it BUT she really doesn't pay much attention to the game. I think at this point she just likes the hanging out together part. She's a lot like me though and would rather read a book or watch one of her shows, so most times, it's the guys that get excited. BUT, this was the SUPER BOWL and the GREEN BAY PACKERS so it became a family event and we had a great time!

Nick's still sick (it's been over a week now) and has a doctor appt. this afternoon. He went to school today because he was so stressed about missing anymore but he's feeling pretty blah! I'm working on finishing the FASFA form this week and am waiting to get our taxes done so I can complete it and apply for more scholarships for Nick. He only has about 3 1/2 months left until his graduation on May 29th! I can't believe it! (May 29th is also Greg's birthday!) We are taking a graduation trip with family in June and having Nick's 18th birthday and graduation party on Saturday August 20th. I think I wrote about that already but I'll probably be talking about it A LOT in the next few months.

I'll be writing some more about college progress and what Nick's ultimately decides, and I want to post some information I found about college for individuals with disabilities. Coming soon.......


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