Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Taking A Much-Needed Break

Hi all,

I haven't updated the blog in awhile because I've been taking a much needed computer break, just checking e-mail on occasion, and spending some time in reflection as I like to do this time of the year. I love the computer and also at times, I don't, but I love what it CAN do for us and allow us to do. I am just one of those people that need to "unplug" once in a great while when I can. Not often, but just once in awhile. When we're on vacation or a break, I don't do ANYTHING computer-related and I don't use my cell phone or anything. I just love to spend time with my family and also a great book. That's just my thing and I realize not everyone has the same thoughts on that, which is fine/great. Do you know what happens when I do this from time to time? Nothing......I just "catch up" on my e-mails, messages when I'm back on and if it's an emergency, I figure most people know how to reach me at home.

Also, I was talking with my Mom about the blog and she shared something with me that I thought deserved some thought and reflection. My mom read my post about Christmas and what happened with Nick and some other family members, and our feelings about it, and she was a bit hurt by this. When I asked her why, she just felt first, that I should have talked to them about this before blogging about it. I explained to my mother that I HAVE talked to these family members about this issue in the past and yet, the issue still exists and is not resolved and they did not share our views on the situation with Nick. As for sharing this with my Mom and Dad, who were not involved in the comments on Christmas, I didn 't feel they should be involved. Secondly, my Mom was worried what others would think. I explained, it was NOT mt intent to hurt her or anyone, and that this blog is about our life, our family, and especially the issues that our family experiences as a result of Nick's disability. Anytime I blog, of course it is a form of "venting", sharing, telling, it's therapeutic in a way, and it's a picture of what is happening with us at any point in time. As I've said before, we've had friends who have had hurtful things said or "ignoring" by family members and we couldn't really relate. I've had families in my work that have shared these issues as well. So, I was thinking, "Oh, NOW I understand why they were so hurt", etc. "Now I get it". So I did share it. I'd do it again but I'd probably explain to my Mom what my intent was, because I do not write to hurt anyone in this blog in any way. I express our feelings and share what is going on with Team Hyndman, our family. I still hope to educate people, and meet others with similar issues, share information, etc. So, I had to reflect and check that my intentions for this blog were still on target and I feel they are. ALL families have issues, disagreements, happy/fun times, and hurts. It's the human nature of relationships. My feeling is that we exist to be in relationships and learn from our mistakes and keep trying to be the best human beings we can be at all times. I plan to keep learning new things and working on being the best person I can be until the day I leave this earth and I tell the kids this all of the time. I would think that most people understand this and if anyone did sit in judgement of our family, I'd have to ask them to examine their own family, relationships, and themselves first.

I want to continue writing on Cerebral Palsy Family with the same intentions I started with. It's a blog about our family intended for sharing, educating, reaching out, information/resources, ETC. Anytime I can improve something, I will. I truly enjoy blogging (writing in general) SO much. I appreciate anyone taking the time to read it or share it, I enjoy the comments, the e-mails I get, the letters, questions, and sharing from others. Just know if I don't post in a few weeks or so, I'm either just taking a break or there is something going on with the family, but I'll be back.

My next post.......updating what's been going on with Team Hyndman in the past several weeks....a lot!

Thanks and Blessings:)

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