Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10, 2010 Update / Team Hyndman

Hi everyone,

Nick and Isabella are having their second snow day (which they LOVE) and I, Amy, am just trying to get over some cold/sore throat. It's been pretty snowy here in Northwest Ohio and although it's pretty when you are inside looking out, it's not fun when you have to drive in it. I guess it's part of living in this area though. So, we are just enjoying it and our time together today.

Nick is almost done with wrestling season. He has actually wrestled in his last match and is just practicing this week and next with the varsity wrestlers who have a big match coming up this weekend. I think Nick is a little disappointed it is ending and plans to wrestle his senior year next year too. To think that five months ago, we didn't even know of Nick's interest in wrestling, that he COULD do it, or that any of this would happen for him. It's been a really positive experience and we've learned a lot. Mostly we've learned to trust Nick's plans for himself and his own body and to never underestimate what is possible with Nick. I've always said I believe Nick has "endless possibilities" and I've always believed that even when people thought I was being unrealistic, I knew they were wrong. Sure, he may have to find different ways to do things, but he CAN DO so much more than he can't do. I'm sure we can't even imagine what Nick is capable of accomplishing in his future and I now know that whatever it is, he has a bright future ahead of him.

I always used to think the thing that was the most frightening to us was the unknown (with Nick). How will things turn out? What will happen to him? I've realized in recent years that I don't need to be afraid of the future and the unknown and actually, the unknown can be the most rewarding things in life. (wrestling is just one example of many!)

Isabella is still loving dance (even more) and school and is a busy, social girl:) She's her brother's biggest cheerleader too.

I just started a new job as a Social Worker at Hospice of Northwest Ohio and I've VERY excited about this and adjusting to being back to work full time right now. It's a privilege to be involved with individuals and their families at the end of their lives and to try to make it the best journey possible when you can. The people at Hospice are so positive and it's a great, supportive environment to work in.

Greg continues to work hard, always, and is going to school too. So, I'm sure many of you can relate to our busy family life. Our favorite thing to do then is to spend as much time together as we can. I for one feel like time is going by too fast and want to enjoy every second I can with my kids and husband! Luckily, the kids seem to still want to spend time with us, which I understand may not last forever, but we hope it does!

That's the latest update on Team Hyndman. I keep thinking, maybe we should get some shirts made that say "Team Hyndman" (although I'm not sure the kids would wear them?????? LOL!)


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