Friday, May 18, 2012

Local Resources

Hi all,

Here is some information for those who live in Northwest Ohio from the Family Information Network, which I've mentioned in the past as a great resource for those in our area who have family members with disabilities. I have a link to FIN in our Useful Links section on this blog ( ). Here is the information:   - Resource Guide - 2012 Summer Programs for Kids with Disabilities

Your House or Mine
This group is facilitated by Family Information Network (FIN) and discusses housing situations for your child with special needs. Your House or Mine is simply other parents in the same situation asking the same questions, and parents who have already been there & done that who may have some answers. We also offer guest speakers, group discussion, updates on policies or regulations, and social opportunities to discover how to make the most of your child moving out. Contact Diane Frazee at

Calendar of Events :

I have to say, it's these local organizations and resources that have been SO helpful to us on numerous occasions when we've needed information, resources, support for Nick as he was little and while he was growing up. FIN and The Ability Center of Greater Toledo ( were two organizations that we relied upon many times over the years. FIN has been staffed by parents of children with disabilities over the years and when Nick was an infant (less than 6 months old), these people were the first parents of children with disabilities I met. It was a raw time for us and I remember it like it was yesterday, and their help and support were comforting to me. I'm sure those of you who live in other areas have these "treasures" / local resources that you find helpful and I encourage you to spread the word to other families and people who may find their services useful whenever the opportunity arises.



  1. I know very much about cerebral palsy. I have met a lot, and in fact i am too... Back then i was in therapy because my motor skills don't function so well. In fact i have been through s lot of therapy which lasted 13 years. Aqua therapy has helped me a lot. And i advise you try it too...

  2. Following a complicated birth, baby Dylan faced multiple health challenges, including brain injury and blindness. Within a year his parents were given even more devastating news: Dylan had Cerebral Palsy. Fortunately Dylan’s parents had banked stem cells from his cord blood and those stem cells were used in treatments that contributed to his ability to learn to crawl, speak, and gain some vision. After multiple treatments from his own cord blood stem cells, his family is hopeful that doctors will be able to find additional stem cells from a donor so that he can progress further with more treatments.

  3. Another great resource that I've found is the Cerebral Palsy Family Network. They have a downloadable "survival guide" which has CP resources divided out by geographic area.

  4. Another great resource us It is a great place to learn about grants and funding for special needs! Hope this helps!

  5. Thanks Kim! I'll check that one out, :-) Amy
