Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hi all!

I received the following information regarding some upcoming Northwest Ohio sibshops. I registered Isabella for all of these! I think it will be a positive experience for her.

I've followed for years from time to time (sibshops info: and have several of Don Meyer's books as I've mentioned previously in this blog. I've ordered them from and Anyhow, we've read several books re: disability and being the sibling of an individual with a disability over the years and some books are more for adults which I've read and saved for Isabella when she gets older. The important thing really is just talking about disability (like it's no big deal, it just is, and how everyone feels about it or things going on with Nick at different times) and all of our feelings about Nick's disability, everything he goes through(good, bad, and in between), and it's OK to feel however we feel as long as we're all respectful and loving to each other. I don't like it when people are "complaining" about it as if it "stinks" to have an individual with a disability in the family because NONE of us feel that way. Sure, we don't like to see Nick's struggle or be hurt or anything, that stinks, but HE is a gift and his having a disability is NOT a bad thing! It is just one part of who he is like we all have different parts. With all of that, I think any opportunity for Isabella to connect with others who have siblings with disabilities and be able to talk about it would be a benefit. Isabella won't be shy to say how she feels, believe me. When she was 8, she was on a sibling panel at BGSU (the youngest one) presenting to grad students and she did a GREAT job, was very articulate, and made many good points. Yeah Bella:) We've also always made sure that we spend as much time with Bella as we do Nick when we can. Sure, there ARE times when Nick needs more care and attention but we make sure Bella gets her time too and when things are going on with Nick, we include her as much as we can and talk about it. You'd have to ask her but I don't think there are many times she's felt left out. We're all equal parts of this family, Team Hyndman.

Here is the info. I received about the local sibshops and registration for them. If you know of anyone who may be interested, please pass this information on. Thanks!

Brothers and Sisters of People with Special Needs Come and Join the Fun!
Sponsored in part by:
Lucas County Educational Service Center

Brothers and sisters of kids with special needs from Lucas County now have a program that’s just for them called Sibshops. At Sibshops, they’ll have a chance to meet other kids whose brothers and sisters have special needs and talk about the good and not-so-good parts of having a sibling with a disability. Most important, they’ll have fun!!
Sibshops are for 8 to 13 year old brothers and sisters of children who have special needs. Our Sibshops are run by a team of people who have a professional and, in some cases, a personal understanding of the impact a child’s special needs can have on brothers and sisters. Equally important, they have great kid skills!
Sibshops will have fun outrageous games, cooking activities and hands on activities that will keep your kids engaged in an energetic way.

Saturday, October 2, 2010
9:45 am until 2 pm
Deadline to register for demonstration is September 23, 2010

Don Meyer director of The Sibling Support Project and creator of the Sibshop curriculum will be conducting a hands on Sibshop demonstration. The demonstration will reflect the reality of a Sibshop. Don will engage siblings in fun, energetic hands on games through which he will have siblings express thoughts about what it is like having a brother or sister with special needs.
Gatherings will be:
November 6, 2010
January 8, 2011
February 5, 2011
March 5, 2011
April 2, 2011
May 7, 2011
10 am to 2pm
Deadline to register for Sibshops is October 20, 2010
Sibshops will be held at: Alternate Learning Center 3939 Wrenwood Toledo, OH 43623
If interested in having your child be a part of the demonstration and/or Sibshops please contact :
Wendy Smenner
Lucas County Parent Mentor 419-471-0384
State Support Team
Region 1

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