Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sports Injuries and The Flu at The Hyndmans

Hi everyone,

Just a quick post while Nick is sleeping....he has the flu! It started yesterday with a cough and the cough and congestion got worse overnight. Then this morning, he had fever, cough, congestion, chills, achy all over, and then the vomiting started. He's so sick! He hasn't been this sick since he was young. I was planning to take the kids and go to an H1N1 clinic in our area today after school. He's got every symptom of H1N1 but we don't know if it's that or not. The doctor's office is supposed to get back to me to let me know if he should even go in. What can they do for him at the office anyhow, etc. If he starts to show certain other signs, we'll just take him to the ER, but for now, we're just waiting and watching, trying to get him to keep any fluids down! As a parent, you feel so helpless when you can't really comfort them, just hold the waste basket, wipe their face, try to force fluids and Popsicles, etc. I must admit, I had a panic-induced breakdown earlier, kind of caused by flashing back to those memories of all of the times Nick started off having just a cold and we ended up at the hospital with something major so quickly. Those were very scary times. At least we know what to watch for now.

To top off the flu, earlier this week, in Nick's second week of wrestling practice/conditioning, he got kneed in the chest during a move and the trainer said he probably bruised his ribs, he definitely has a bruise on his chest ( a visible one) and it hurts as you can imagine. So, the coughing really hurts him and we have to watch out that the chest pain isn't caused by something more than the bruising. But, Greg and I were joking, we are proud members of the "Parents with kids who have sports injuries club!" Finally! After all these years! Wow, be careful what you wish for, huh? Really, we used to say, well, since Nick has CP, at least we don't have to worry about him injuring himself at sports and other things like other kids do, or at least not as frequently. You know, with him having CP, we never used to get the usual "boo-boos", didn't have to use many band-aids (unless it was for blood work, etc.) and he never got as many scrapes and bruises. It was because he didn't have the ability or opportunity to "get out in the world" and physically do the things that other kids did. It was only when we had Isabella, and she is a "cautious" kid, did we really realize how many more little injuries she got just from playing, etc. and moving around! We'd joke, well, at least that's one good thing about CP! (ha-ha) Oh, I guess we could count his bike-injury in September as his first injury from sports, but this is his first "wrestling" injury.

So, when Nick announced to us he wanted to try wrestling, I said to myself, "really? did he have to pick such a tough sport?" I didn't know, and still don't know, how I'm going to be able to watch him wrestle and possibly get hurt. BUT, I'll of course, do anything for him (and Bella)! So, I'll just "suck it up" and remember this is about his dreams and just be there to support him, no matter how it turns out. The wonderful thing as I mentioned in an earlier post, is that the coaches have, from the beginning, had a wonderfully inclusive attitude and told Nick he can be part of the team even if the wrestling doesn't work out. From what Greg and my Dad say, they are constantly adapting things for Nick, doing research, showing him things and are just all-around fantastic. What great role models and examples they are to all of our kids! Thank you! We are so grateful, no matter how things end up turning out!

So, that's the latest in The Hyndman household this week, sports injuries and the flu! Be careful what you wish for. We're just enjoying the good AND the bad because it means Nick is getting out there and doing this, so we'll take it and just be here for him!

I hope everyone stays healthy!

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