Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Think About It And Spread The Word

Hi all,

PTHS: Spread The Word To End The Word 2012 - "I'm Eric" from McCoy Studios on Vimeo.

PLEASE watch this video and think about what is being said. Spread it to anyone you know.

We posted last year about using the word "retarded" or the "r" word. It's just NOT ok and I'm (we all are) very firm on my feelings about this. It's just NOT ok to make fun of people with disabilities and even when people say, "that's not what I'm doing", or "I'm just joking", it's not ok! Just don't do it! It's the same thing as using a racial slur, or a the "n" word, or the word "fag" or any word that is used in a derogatory way to describe a group of people. It's mean, it's wrong, it's NOT a joke or not funny.

These types of words are used to negatively describe a group of people, to make fun of them, and when used in ANY way, most everyone knows that this is they type of word they are using. I always wonder if their parents used these types of words or they think, "everyone does", "lighten up". Well, NO! It's still just wrong, and it HURTS.

People have called our son, Nick, this word. The first time, he was just a baby in a "special" wheelchair stroller when I heard some kids call him that. Then, on a playground when he was very young, causing him to cry all the way home,  by kids at his high school, even  though he was "well-liked" by many and had lots of kids who were friendly to him. it hurt him and it hurt us very much.

Just spread the word about this, please and STOP using this word please. Think about what has been said please.

Thank you.

Amy and Team Hyndman (Greg, Amy, Nick, and Isabella Hyndman)

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