Wednesday, June 8, 2011

This And That

 Hi all! I posted a couple of pictures above of Nick's new power wheelchair. This chair came in RECORD time! We ordered it only in March and we already got it! That has never happened to us before. It has taken about 6 months in the past to get chairs! National Seating and Mobility did a great job! Thank you! So, watch out! The only thing is, it is so big and heavy, it has taken two men to get it in and out of our van. I can't even do it with Greg's help, so at this time, Nick will not be able to use it unless Greg and another strong person is available to get it in and out of the van. We purchased a portable ramps, but it is so unsteady and not very easy to get it to work as our van roof is not high enough or the floor is not low enough, so it was just a reminder to us how important it is for us to get Nick a van with a lift before school starts or we don't know how he'll be able to get to and from school. We may have to take him and stay with him to push him to and from classes until we get the lift van. That's our first thought, but we'll see how things pan out and will keep you updated!

We got this chair with college in mind, thinking Nick would be able to get around on campus much easier and not have to have someone push him, and it would be faster so he could get to classes, etc. on time. Most people (and their families) who are wheelchair users know you take extra time to load, unload everywhere you go and it just takes more time to get around in general most of the time! We thought this chair would help. Even though Nick can propel a chair on his own or be pushed, we had to think of what was the most important thing in this case, Nick being independent and pushing himself or have someone push him (in which case we'd need to make sure someone was always with him, which is not realistic) OR getting to class easily and on time and concentrating his energies on THAT. So, we chose the latter! Nick understands this concept. I mean, he understands that sometimes, even though he CAN do man things without help, it usually is a struggle, takes him much longer, and takes a lot of physical energy, so for him to "keep up" the pace with others, he has to use help at times so he can live the life he wants to live. We had to address this with him when he was very young because he wanted to do EVERYTHING on his own and was so determined, yet he needed help at school, for example, to take notes and write for him (a scribe) because it took him a lot of time and energy and he couldn't keep up with the classes pace. As he got older and matured, he accepted this and understood it was not a reflection on his abilities at all. Most people don't know that in Nick's case (and for other individuals with physical disabilities), it takes 2-3 times as much energy to do anything we do normally. We were told this by a specialist when Nick was very young. It's true too. So, to get out of bed, hold his head up straight all day, sit up straight, anything at all, it takes a lot more effort and energy. When Nick gets home from school for example, there have been many days when he literally can't hold his head up and is just exhausted. (more days than not) This is just the "norm" for us. We know this about him, are used to it, know how to deal with it, etc. I think, however, that most people don't even realize this when they look at Nick because he's so capable and doesn't complain and is just out there living life to the fullest, but it takes a lot out of him. He wouldn't want things any other way though because he wants to live a full, active, fun life. So, we do what we can to help him reach those goals! Part of that for me is trying to make people "aware" and understand Nick and disability more. I love educating people and sharing information because I think when we understand and learn about people, there are positive outcomes for everyone.

I didn't mention yet, we were able to get American Idol Live concert tickets in Detroit in August. I was on the computer as they went on sale and was able to get great seats! We love American Idol and have watched it as a family most seasons for years but we all thought this year was the BEST season ever! We LOVED the new judges (not that we didn't like Simon, we did, but these judges just gave it new life!) and the talent was better overall than any year we can remember. So,we're so excited to go as a family to see it Live!

We are counting down the days not to our vacation and are looking forward to Hilton Head and Savannah, the beach, the pool, being with our parents and family, just "relaxing" in our beach house and going to Paula Deen's restaurant, which is something my Mom and Greg's Mom really wanted to do so we're excited to do it when we visit Savannah for the day.

Lastly, we are missing Charger so much although he's in very good hands! I've written before about his weight problem. He can't be certified (he's had a temporary certification) until he loses the weight and we have not done a very good job at making that happen for a lot of reasons (none of them excuses but just our circumstances). So, we did not want all of the hard work and time/money put into training Charger for two years to go to waste and we want him to be able to be out with and help Nick, still work of course. We got a call from the client services director at ADAI and they offered to help us and we are so grateful. So, we jokingly call it "fat camp" (in an effort to laugh instead of cry). He's out at ADAI working with their trained staff and other dogs who are losing weight as well, under supervision, to safely lose the weight. We are so grateful and appreciative and know he's in great hands and being cared for really well! BUT, we MISS him so much it hurts! Believe me, we know we don't want to go through this again so we have to make sure he gets enough exercise when he comes home in a few months. We'll be able to and will visit him. Nick and Greg and taking it very well and "rationally". Isabella and I have been crying a lot when we think of him, more emotional, and we don't want him to think we abandoned him. Well, this is a real gift and we're grateful! Charger IS a part of our family. He's an excellent and smart working dog AND a big "baby" when he's "off the clock" and just hanging out with the family and our other two dogs. All four of us could use more activity and exercise so we hope to step it up for all of us!

That's the latest in the Hyndman home and we'll be writing about our vacation and college planning more after our vacation.

Oh, one more important thing I want bring up! Regarding my last post, I received a phone call from the Superintendent of the program I mentioned in my post and she explained how the van comment was brought up, why it was asked about, and the intention behind it, which was only good intention and was a great relief to me. I am grateful she reached out to me and explained it and it made a lot of sense. They do really want to make sure Nick gets what he needs and if they are not able to fund it, they want to figure out who can help us with this. They understand the expense of a modified vehicle and Nick's need for it! So, I wanted to say it had a good ending! Good communication is so important which is what this situation reminded me!:-)


1 comment:

  1. IN my area (Northern CA) we have a suttle bus that transports people with disabilities that has a good wheelchair ramp our regular buses also have a wheelchair ramp that is good maybe they have similar things in your area ?

    hope this helps
