Tuesday, August 24, 2010

One Year of Cerebral Palsy Family

Hello all!

I apologize that it has been far too long since my last update. I have to admit, summer has been so busy this year and we haven't been home much so I did take more time away from the blog than I planned! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer.

Well, July 2010 marked the one-year mark since I started this blog, Cerebral Palsy Family, http://www.cerebralpalsyfamily.blogspot.com. I knew NOTHING about blogging and still have a lot to learn but I've enjoyed it so much. My goal for this next year is to bring more resources and information to everyone and to keep our family updates coming. This next year is a big transition year for Nick as he is entering his senior year of high school. We'll have a lot going on with that and getting ready for life after high school for Nick, including getting his drivers license (I'll update you on that...), preparing for and starting college, securing disability services at college, Nick's applying for Social Security Disability once he turns 18 next summer, and more. It's a transition for everyone at his age, but as I always say, it's with the "added layer", and this is a BIG layer, of "disability stuff" in addition to all of the "normal" (what is "normal"?-a discussion for another time) stuff.

Thank you to anyone and everyone who has taken the time to read the blog and share in our lives and for the positive comments and support! I hope this year we can reach more people and get more people living with CP, and their families, sharing as well. It seems that on Facebook, we have more followers (our group on Facebook, Cerebral Palsy Family was created as a "link" to this blog) than we do for this actual blog. I have some work to do!!

Since my last post, Nick has finished his work at The Ability Center of Greater Toledo (volunteer camp staff) for the summer and all of his camps, completed the classroom portion of driving school and an evaluation by a driving instructor who works with individuals with disabilities (we are still waiting on the report in writing), had his 17th birthday on August 18th (Happy Birthday to the best son in the world!), had his senior pictures taken (WOW-they are amazing, I can't wait to share them when we get them in approx. 2 weeks) and starts his senior year at school tomorrow. His service dog, Charger, is winning the battle over his weight (he's been overweight) by walking 5-6 days a weeks on the treadmill (while it's been so hot out and also, it's easier for Nick to take care of this on his own now!) and is looking fantastic. Now we know how to keep his weight under control and how to give him enough exercise when we can't get outside and walk him. Isabella has enjoyed her camps this summer and I took her to Columbus, Ohio 2 weekends ago to see the Justin Bieber concert, her first concert. We had a BLAST and it was SO fun seeing her dance and sing and "go crazy" (baby, baby, oh!!!!!!!!!!). Fun! She starts 5th grade, her last year in elementary school tomorrow. She starts dance next week. I'm always a little sad when they go back to school because I love spending more time with them in the summer. I am, however, always excited for them too of course!!

Another thing I've really let go this summer is keeping up with my pictures, putting them on the computer, etc. I WILL be doing this soon and posting some great pics from this summer! ( I really will!) I guess I just got caught up in the summer and let things go so we could have more family time together while the kids were off. Now that Nick is 17 and Bella is almost 11, I am feeling even more like time is FLYING by and I feel like Greg and I have to take every minute we can with them while they can, before they get "too busy" and into their own lives.


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