Thursday, October 8, 2009

"Keepin it REAL"

I had lunch with a friend earlier this week and I always appreciate my friends for helping to to "keep it real". We were talking about our kids. I was telling her some things about Nick and she reminded me that what I was feeling was true for ALL kids. In other words, this particular issue wasn't about Nick's disability , but was a universal "kid" issue.

I really do always appreciate this. It has happened several times over the years and it always causes me to pause and say, "oh yeah, it is!". I think our life and our family is defined by many things, but one of those many things is Nick's disability. I mean this in the best of ways. For good and bad, I wouldn't change Nick or our family and we are definitely stronger because of dealing with issues with Nick's disability and watching him move through life as a person with a disability who is excelling and living a full life. With all of the ups and downs, the "roller coaster ride" as Nick calls it, I (we) can become all-consumed by it at times, without even realizing it. Sometimes, it's good to be reminded that some of Nick's experiences or our feelings about it are things that many parents of kids experience and feel. Not to minimize the disability stuff, because it is a major part of our lives, but it's not all of it:) Just as Nick's disability is only one part of him. It may be a major part of his life and affect most areas of his life, but the truth is he's more ALIKE other kids his age than unlike them. We've always said that. This is true for all individuals with disabilities in my opinion. We need to look at the things we have in common a bit more.
So, THANK YOU to my friends who help me to remember these things! I need that in my life!

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