The Disability Studies Program presents
What’s the big deal
about the “R” word?
Is it hate speech or is it funny.
Is a term for speech that attacks or disparages
a person or group of people
based on their social or ethnic group.
See the film that sparked a national controversy
and a film response.
Intended to excite laughter or
amusement, facetious, humorous.
Come and judge for yourself.
When: October 27, 2009
Where: Memorial Field House Room 1910
Time: 12:45- 4:00 p.m.
The above information was sent to me by a friend, Tim Harrington, Executive Director, of The Ability Center. I thought, "thank goodness" someone is addressing this. (The Disability Studies Program at The University of Toledo). The use of this word has bothered me forever. I hear so many young people use this word like it is "nothing" and I think, "who or what is raising you and teaching you?" ??????? I don't think it is any different than using the "N" word, they are not just words, it is the KNOWN meaning and intention behind the word, whether it is used to describe a person or something else. Sensitivity training 101.
When Nick was three, we walked to the park, in his special stroller, and I went to put him on the swing. There were three kids that were there and one of them said, "hey look at that retard", referring to Nick. Nick didn't necessarily know what the word meant at that age, but he knew it was not good and they were talking about him and he was (is) a smart kid. He immediately started saying "No!" and kicking and started crying. Then I started crying and we walked 2 blocks home crying and that was the first time I had to sit down with Nick and talk to him about kids teasing him and what that word means, at his level at the time of course. I remember it vividly. Since then, I have several similar stories to tell, people saying these things about Nick and teasing him, including the use of the "R" word. So, no one can ever convince me that it is a harmless "word".
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